

This method statement describes the typical dynamic load test on driven pile (PDA Test) procedure. Dynamic pile testing is performed by well-trained and experienced engineers using a Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) at site and pile wave analysis will be carried out on the signal acquired by using Case Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP).                   Plant and Equipment The plant / equipment to be used for the works shall comprise of the following: §   PDI series pile driving analyzer and CAPWAP analysis program to determine the mobilized capacity of a test pile.  Pile Driving Analyzer shall comprise; ·          Pile Driving Analyzer ·          2 Strain Transducers ·          2 Accelerometers ·          1-4 Cable ·       ...

Tapai Manis dan Mudah

Raya Aidilfitri haritu Dedel dan Suami ad beli Tapai, satu bekas RM15 ad la bbrp bungkus tapai dibalut dengan daun pisang. Ktrg x kisah dgn harga berapa janji benda tu sedap :) . Kami berdua mmg hantu tapai, pantang nampak confirm beli :) Balik je ke Klang suami pon utarakan "boleh x awk blajar buat tapai" OMG .. Mak pon x pernah buat tau 😓😒 So disebabkan atas request suami tersyg dedel pon google lah resepi tapai sana sini dan try.. Berjaya buat untuk Open House Rumah Ktrg n Hubby ckp sedap sgt !!! clap clap clap.. (bukan suami je ckp sedap, mertua, biras2 dan kawan2 😈 Ini tapai batch kedua buat atas permintaan suami dan kawan2 Office. Jom Tengok cara buat tapai yg sangat mudah ni: Bahan2 : 1. Beras Pulut 2. Ragi 3.Daun Pisang Cara Masak Pulut: Basuh beras pulut dlm periuk rice cooker tu ikotlah banyak mana nak kan, basuh bersih2 ye sbb kebersihan amat penting dlm penyediaan tapai ni. lepas dh basuh masukkan air  x kisah brapa banya...

Work Method Statement for Turfing Works

In my day to day job, sometimes i need to prepare Work Method Statement for certain works,  here i share with u wms for turfing works ;) just for sharing :)    INTRODUCTION      The method statement describes the general guideline for the methodology and the application of close turfing. The areas to be turfed are shown on the drawings and or as directed by the Employer Representative (ER) METHOD STATEMENT Turfing shall be carried out from an approved source as soon as practicable following trimming of the cut slope or within two weeks after cutting. It shall be carried out progressively in order to form protective cover of vegetation for erosion control. Turf lay on slopes steeper than 1 (vertical) and 4 (horizontal) shall be secured with a wooden peg at least 230mm long driven into the prepared topsoil bed and finished flush with the top of the turf. Turf shall be obtained in 300mm square and 75mm thick. They shall consist of he...

Rendang Ayam Cili Padi Nogori Mudah dan Sedap

Tahun ni tahun ketiga beraya sebagai isteri dan juga tahun kedua sebagai mak. Memandangkan tahun ni dedel beraya pertama di KL bermaksud pagi raya di rumah sendiri jadi sewajarnya lah Dedel memasak Rendang utk memeriahkan Suasana Kami :) X pernah pon buat Rendang seumor hidup yg 20++ ni 😂. Jadi meh layan resepi yg saya dh try masak ni . Sedap sangat x tipu. Sbb lepas tu masak untuk open house pon semua memuji resepi ni 😏 Bahan - bahan : 1 ekor ayam 1 Kotak Santan 4 Batang Serai diketuk 1 Sudu Besar Kerisik 1 Keping asam Gelugor 2 Sudu besar cili kering 4 Keping daun limau Purut Garam Gula Minyak untuk Menumis Bahan Kisar 10 ulas bawang merah 5 ulas bawang putih 1 inci Kunyit 1 inci halia 10 tangkai cili padi 4 hirisan nipis lengkuas Cara - Cara : 1. Panaskan kuali dan masukkan minyak. Tumis bahan kisar, serai dan cili kisar. Tunggu sehingga air kering then masukkan ayam. Masak sehingga ayam kering. 2. Masukkan santan dan air secukupnya. 3. Tunggu sehingga mendidih baru masukkan asam ...

Panduan Mengepam untuk ibu bekerja

Hai harini terfikir mcm mana nk share cara sy bekalkan breast milk utk my daughter dkt taska.. Sy langsung tidak mengamalkan stok yg banyak since my daugther reject frozen so spnjang 1 tahun 3 bulan did dibekalkan susu chill n fresh sahaja :) Sblm tu sy nk share pump ap yg saya guna : 1. Lacte duet double breast pump (sgt lasak ok) 2. Freemie (freemie bergabung dgn lacte so handsfree) Jadual mengepam 4.00 am 1st session 6.00 am direct feed 7.40am go to work n taska 9.00am or 9.30am   2nd session 1.00pm 3rd session 3.30 pm 4th session 5.30pm going back home and direct feed Since my baby x demand banyak sgt so susu sy ckup alhamdulillah siap berlebih lagi  so mampu je bagi fresh n chill ☺️ Masa satu tahun 3 bulan sy demam n ad nanah so tros stop pam.. bg fm utk taska tp dekat rumah still nenen yer 😅.. now its already 1 year and 7 month ☺️... Btw sy mengepam di meja kerja shj dgn menggunakan cover n handsfree guna freemie ... bos mcm terkejut mula2 sbb sy p...

Pengalaman bayi kuning (jaundis)

Sementara tunggu nak tido ni teringat pengalaman pahit masa melahirkan baby first dlu  baby kena kuning 😰. Sgt ngeri sbb sampai kena warded ok. So sini sy nak share spnjang warded apa treatment yg dibuat utk baby ☺️ 1. Dr mmg sarankan suruh menyusu sebanyak mungkin dan sekerap mungkin , kesimpulannya kalo bayi bru lahir tu ko bg jela die mengempeng lama pon xpa janji sihat kan 2. Memandangkan duduk hospital jd guna lampu hospital tu, but for me lampu tu biasa je kot entahla sbb masa tu baby kesejukan yg amat jd sy slalu dkung die n duduk lampu kejap2 je... banyak menyusu je 3. Ibu dinasihatkan minum air bebanyak n makan kurma ☺️ Sesungguhnya kena warded time kuning sgt sedih ok... sila paksa baby menyusu , if die tdo kena paksa kejut jugak 😁.. Memandangkan skrg dh moden, banyak klinik dh sediakan lampu kuning tu utk disewa , so search la nnt mana2 yg dekat dgn rumah.. prevention better than cure ok Love,  Dedel

Work Method Statement Piloting Works

Procedure ·          Any drawings used for the piloting work must be an approved construction drawings. ·          Approved utilities mapping by utilities detection specialist and, utilities and services provider like Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembetungan (JPP), Telekom, and telecommunication service providers must be scrutinized beforehand. The depth, width and length of the utilities that located within the vicinity of the work area shall be taken into consideration before work commenced. ·          Surveyor shall peg the four corners of the structure. The Contractor shall offset the points given to certain extent so as to ensure the marking will not lost during piloting work. ·          Temporary traffic management will be implemented if the work affects...