Work Method Statement for Turfing Works

In my day to day job, sometimes i need to prepare Work Method Statement for certain works,  here i share with u wms for turfing works ;)

just for sharing :) 

     The method statement describes the general guideline for the methodology and the application of close turfing. The areas to be turfed are shown on the drawings and or as directed by the Employer Representative (ER)


Turfing shall be carried out from an approved source as soon as practicable following trimming of the cut slope or within two weeks after cutting. It shall be carried out progressively in order to form protective cover of vegetation for erosion control.

Turf lay on slopes steeper than 1 (vertical) and 4 (horizontal) shall be secured with a wooden peg at least 230mm long driven into the prepared topsoil bed and finished flush with the top of the turf.

Turf shall be obtained in 300mm square and 75mm thick. They shall consist of healthy dense indigenous cow grass firmly rooted into at least 50mm of topsoil. The turf shall be free from mimosa, lalang and any other objectionable plants and should be preferably laid on the day it is cut. Turf which cannot be laid within three days of cutting, at the discretion of the ER, may be used as topsoil.

Where turf is to be laid, a 100mm thick layer of approved top soil shall be spread and compacted on the surfaces to be turfed.

Turf will be firmly bedded in freshly prepared topsoil dressing and where necessary would be pegged down with wooden pegs. All turf will be regularly watered until it is satisfactorily established. Any dead turf will be replaced with new turf at the Contractor’s own expense.

Close Turfing shall consist of 300mm square turfs laid so that they cover the whole area without any square between them.

Areas with turfing shall be maintained until the end of the Maintenance Period. Maintenance shall consist of regular watering in the early stages of growth, fertilizing, preserving and replacing grass/seed, cutting and any work which may be necessary to prevent erosion and to attain and maintain a dense and uniform cover of live grass.



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